Strong Female Protagonist (SFP) is an ongoing superhero webcomic and graphic novel series written by Brennan Lee Mulligan and drawn by Molly Ostertag. The story follows Alison Green, a young middle-class American with super-strength, invincibility and a crippling sense of social injustice, who retires from her superhero role of "Mega Girl" at the age of 19 in order to focus on her college education. Needless to say, she finds out that this is easier said than done. io9 selected Strong Female Protagonist as one of the best new and short webcomics and approved of SFP posing "intriguing questions about the relationship between superheroes and real-world problems" Comics Alliance said, "The idea of someone with superpowers questioning whether they're making a real difference or just making things worse by throwing bad guys through buildings" isn't new to the genre, but the reviewer considered Strong Female Protagonist's approach to it refreshing by its lack of cynicism and the fully formed, likable characterization of Alison and the comic's supporting cast.
What They’re Saying
“SFP is both a coming-of-age story and a deconstruction of superhero tropes. Like most good ideas, it feels amazing someone hasn’t done it before.”

“Humor is hard to get right, but humor with a serious message is even harder. Mulligan and Ostertag’s creation strikes just the right balance. It’s super.”

“…there’s something particularly refreshing about a superhero who has a more expansive understanding of truth, justice, and the American way.”

“Strong Female Protagonist” is a fascinating superhero book — one that’s more interested in how one person can’t make a difference than how one can. But instead of turning that lesson into nihilism, the book treats it as a call to action.”

“This comic is a breath of fresh air from the stereotypically busty, scantily-clad women in spandex—and should be a fun read even for those who aren’t so interested in superheroes.”

“STRONG FEMALE PROTAGONIST is an ambitious exemplar of comics creators consciously stripping away many of the tropes of superhero comics while pursuing the implications of a hero role.”

“A thoughtful meditation on the superhero genre as protagonist Alison faces prejudice from her professor, the curiosity of her classmates, the resentment of her former teammates, and the knowledge that it’s a whole lot easier to solve problems with your fists.”

“It’s just purely well-done comics. The comedy’s funny, the characters work beautifully together, and the fights are interesting, both visually and from a character standpoint.”