Support Community Bail Funds

We are aiming to raise money for a number of community bail funds across America.

Dimension 20 creator Brennan Lee Mulligan hosts Dropout’s livestream Fundraiser for Community Bail Funds.

The murder of George Floyd set off a wave of protests and activism against police brutality, white supremacy, and a vein of injustice and discrimination that runs deep in this country and around the world. We are aiming to raise money for a number of community bail funds across America, which are doing important work to combat an unfair cash bail system built on racial / economic disparities in our justice system. You can take a look at some of the funds here:

We are in direct communication with Kiersten Arnoni from ActBlue and Pilar Weiss from Community Justice Exchange to ensure these funds are distributed effectively amongst the community bail funds who are doing such vital work. We will be ending this fundraiser on June 5th, 2020, in order to get the funds to ActBlue so they can do the most good as soon as possible.

We will be matching donations up to the first $22,000. If you cannot afford to donate, please look to donating time or energy to these and other important causes that seek racial justice. Anything you can give – be it money, time, or energy – is appreciated.